Infection control is practiced at our facility prior to, while, and post-delivery of dental health care to our patients. It is a mandatory initiative undertaken in order to prevent the transmission of communicable diseases between patients and doctors. We recognize and diligently follow infection control at our facility to ensure that we conduct dental health care practices in a clean and germ-free environment.
WHO recognizes and categories diseases into two. They are communicable and non-communicable diseases. Communicable diseases have the capability of spreading among us, while the chances are less in the case of non-communicable diseases. Some of the major communicable diseases are HIV/AIDS, influenza, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, etc.
As these diseases are fast spreading, medical practices have undertaken the effort to implement and follow infection control strategies.
As practices have understood the importance of infection control, several guidelines and rules are followed to ensure zero breakouts of infection. Here are the key strategies that we follow:
Infection control is diligently performed and practiced at our facility to ensure that both the patient and staffs are free of germs.
MON - THU 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
FRI By appointments only.
SAT - SUN Closed