Why Seeing Your Dentist is Important in December

Why Seeing Your Dentist is Important in December

Posted by SV Dental on Dec 16 2022, 07:20 AM

Why Seeing Your Dentist is Important in December

It’s common for patients to postpone their dental appointment until the end of the year since they’re already taking time off work during the holidays. However, that can actually backfire on your dental hygiene. You’re more likely to let your oral health fall off track when you’re not taking it as seriously as usual. That’s because you’re spending less time thinking about your own health over the holidays and more time indulging in all the holiday festivities. Because of that, you’ll probably see your dentist for preventive care more often than you normally would if you hadn’t put it off until the end of the year. Scheduling your dental checkup now can help you get back on track with your dental health goals. 

Why See Your Dentist?

During cold and flu season, there are germs everywhere – on doorknobs, keyboards at work, and even on the plastic divider on your shopping cart at the grocery store. These germs are contagious and easily spread from person to person. At work, people often bring in a box of holiday chocolates as a treat for the entire office to enjoy. While this gesture seems sweet, it can actually put you at risk of tooth decay. Chocolate is high in sugar and, thus, high in acid. When you eat a large amount of sugar in one sitting without brushing your teeth thoroughly afterward, the acid from the chocolate can attack your enamel and cause cavities. Other high-sugar foods to avoid include hard candies and candy canes. Additionally, these sugary treats are often wrapped in foil or paper that you can’t see through; this makes it easy for people to stick their germ-infested hands into the bag and grab more candy! Keep yourself safe this season by staying away from sweets and other foods that are too sticky to be properly cleaned from your mouth after a meal.

Another reason to see your dentist regularly this time of year is to ensure that your gums stay healthy this winter as well. Colder weather means that your body temperature dips lower, which can make it harder for your body to fight off the flu virus. If your immune system is already weakened due to a cold, you are more likely to experience gum infections like gingivitis or periodontitis. Regular appointments ensure the health of your entire mouth, not just the teeth! 

Silicon Valley Dental Care, located in San Jose, CA, is equipped with the best dentists and modern technologies that enable the best dental care treatments for patients. Call us at (408) 224-1333 and schedule an appointment with the dentist to know more. 

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