A mouth with healthy gums, strong teeth, fresh breath, and a clean tongue is important in one's life. To maintain good oral health care, you need to choose the right oral care tools to keep your oral health on track. This is because using the appropriate dental care products is vital in improving your oral hygiene and preventing dental issues.
The right oral care products help maintain proper oral hygiene by preventing plaque buildup, dental caries, periodontal disease, and the occurrence of bad breath. Ensure that every oral care product you purchase should contain the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance. This shows consumers and dentists that these products have been thoroughly evaluated for safety and efficacy.
A toothbrush is an oral care tool to prevent harmful bacteria in the teeth, gums, and tongue. While purchasing a toothbrush, choose a soft-bristled one with a small head that can easily pick food debris in the hard-to-reach places of your mouth. The handle should be comfortable so that one could hold it with ease while brushing.
Toothpaste promotes oral hygiene by removing dental plaque and suppressing bad breath. Choose the toothpaste with the right composition of fluoride that will help to fight against tooth decay and gum disease. If any of the ingredients of your toothpaste make your teeth sensitive, ask your dentist for a better option.
Mouthwashes come in many varieties and can do more for your oral health other than simply freshening your breath. Antiseptic mouthwash should include chlorhexidine that inhibits plaque buildup around the teeth and prevents infection.
Plaque-inhibiting mouthwashes should contain several antimicrobials and essential oils to control bad breath. Preventive mouthwashes should contain fluoride to resolve the early lesions of dental caries.
Dental floss is a preventative oral care tool that can dislodge pesky food particles that toothbrushes fail to reach. They are two types, waxed and unwaxed. Waxed floss will work better If you have tight spaces between your teeth. Unwaxed floss is thinner and can move comfortably in and out of your teeth
Oral Irrigators are recommended for those who use braces to remove food debris in inaccessible areas of their teeth. It directs a stream of water between your teeth and gums to remove food debris, plaque, and bacteria.
For better oral care, come over to Silicon Valley Dental Care, 5595 Winfield Boulevard, Suite 210, San Jose, CA 95123. Call us at (408) 224-1333 for appointments or more information.
A mouth with healthy gums, strong teeth, fresh breath, and a clean tongue is important in one's life. …
A mouth with healthy gums, strong teeth, fresh breath, and a clean tongue is important in one's life. …
A mouth with healthy gums, strong teeth, fresh breath, and a clean tongue is important in one's life. …
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